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Arena @ Joseph Beuys. 1970

Arena @ Joseph Beuys. 1970

- BEUYS Joseph, Arena, 1970. « Who knows how far I would have gone if I had been intelligent! Arena can be considered Beuys’ autobiographic work. It encompasses all the images of the most significant drawings and objects made by the artist during his...

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Declaration @ Ben Vautier. 1973

Declaration @ Ben Vautier. 1973

- BEN (VAUTIER), Declaration, 1973, « I, Ben, consider that Body Art is interesting only insofar as it brings about a fundamental innovation and does not represent a series of tricks reflecting Marcel Duchamp’s idea that ‘evething is art.’ This fundamental...

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Air Time @ Vito Acconci.1973

Air Time @ Vito Acconci.1973

- ACCONCI Vito, Air Time, 1973. « Two intersecting areas: the ‘field’ of the gallery and the ‘point’ of an enclosure, off to the side. The gallery space is a floating space: it’s nearly empty, no images to focus on: the corners are resting places, listening...

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