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Art & Technology @ Chris Burden. 1975

Art & Technology @ Chris Burden. 1975

- BURDEN Chris, Art and Technology, De Appel, Amsterdam, Holland, October 16, 1975. (see B-Car, 1977) « During the two month period of August 24 to October 16, 1975, I conceived, designed, and constructed a small one passenger automobile. My goal was...

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TV Radiation Survey @ Ant Farm. 1975

TV Radiation Survey @ Ant Farm. 1975

- ANT FARM, T.V. Radiation Survey, San Francisco, Ca., 1975. On July 25, 1975, Ant Farm (Curtis Schreier, Chip Lord and Doug Michels) made random visits to 40 homes in San Francisco to check T.V. sets for levels of X-radiation emission. — Ant Farm, «...

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Art/Garbage @ Alain D'Hooghe. 1970-73

Art/Garbage @ Alain D'Hooghe. 1970-73

- D’HOOGHE Alain, Art/Garbage, 1970-73. « Shooting: first part, in Liège in April 1970, at the Galerie du Croissant d’or – second part, near Wavre in September during the period of a lively campaign to protest against the city’s expansion. In fact, a...

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Cioni Carpi. 1972

Cioni Carpi. 1972

- CARPI Cioni, Egg One Egg Zero, 1972. « I do not believe it is possible to talk about just one or two of my films (even if I omit a whole period, from 1960 to 1965, of experimental film) without also speaking of others which are their premise, or element...

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Ana @ Günther Brus. 1964

Ana @ Günther Brus. 1964

- BRUS Günter, Ana, 1964. (actionnisme) « A movable feast… A happy, pleasant, languid life… The water is flowing. A duck is swimming on the water. The so-called undertow swirls around. Aquatic birds glide by quickly. Far off, a pebble drops into the water:...

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