Cockfeather Mask for Dieter @ Rebecca Horn. 1973
- HORN REBECCA, Performances, 1968-1973. The photos document performances which he took place in the years 1968-72 (73?). For each performance the number of participants was limited, because intense interpersonal perception is only possible in a small...
Finger Gloves @ Rebecca Horn. 1972
- HORN REBECCA, Performances, 1968-1973. The photos document performances which he took place in the years 1968-72 (73?). For each performance the number of participants was limited, because intense interpersonal perception is only possible in a small...
Body Press @ Dan Graham. 1970-73
- GRAHAM Dan, Body Press, 1970-73. Two film makers stand (within a surrounding and completely mirrorized cylinder), body trunk stationary, hands holding and pressing a camera’s back end flush to, while slowly rotating it about the surface cylinder of...
Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York @ Gilbert & George. 1972
- GILBERT & GEORGE, Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York, 1972. (no UP, no DOWN) Oh, the Grand Old Duke of York He had ten thousand men And he marched them up to the top of the hill And he marched them down again And when they were up, they were up And when...
Chainsmoke-Flavor Mint-Portrait by Rumor/Out of sight Out of Mind @ Howard Fried. 1972
- FRIED Howard, Chainsmoke-Flavor Mint- Portrait of Flower, 1972. « Object… Howard Fried’s transmitted image. Object modifier… Howard Fried. Subject… the transmission of Howard Fried’s image. Subject modifier… Anne Evans. » (see Lea Vergine, p. 100 and...
Walking in an Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeter of a Square @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-688
- NAUMAN Bruce, Walking in an Exaggerated Manner Around the Perimeters of a Square, 1967/68. 16 mm. Film, 9 mns. b/w. Silent. 1967-68, 10 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film In this silent film, Nauman walks around the perimeter of a large square marked off...
Body Sign Action @ valie export. 1970
In Francfurt, Export has a suspender belt tattooed on her thigh. « Body Sign Action zeigt das buch als extension des menschen bzw den menschen als symbol- und informationsträger für andere menschen. Auch der menschen ist ein medium der kommunikation,...
Cock and Cunt Play @ Judy Chicago. 1970 Text
Re-Enact : FOX Oriana, Cock and Cunt Play, 2009. Once More With Feeling. Tate Modern Gallery. 27 June 2009. Londres (Re-Enact Judy Chicago, 1970). Performed with Judy Batalion, Genevieve Maxwell, and Sharon Bennett. This piece is a contemporary of Judy...
Synchromatic Baseball @ Howard Fried. 1971
Performed at night with friends on the roof of Fried’s studio at 16 Rose St. Game is interrupted when Fried falls through the skylight. Alec Lambie. « 16 Rose Street », Artweek, v. 3, January 1, 1972, p. 1. Photos and text on the history of 16 Rose Street,...
Pissing @ Tom Marioni. 1970
Performed in the MOCA series Sound Sculpture As, Marioni after drinking beer all day pissing into a tub and « the sound pitch went down as the water level went up. » In the late sixties Tom Marioni, using the pseudonym Allan Fish, created an artwork consisting...
White Body Fan @ Rebecca Horn. 1972
While Rebecca Horn’s more recent work has been determined by a poetical deployment of mechanical constructions, this object – a metal construction measuring 300 cm in diameter – belongs to the film « Performances II », 1973, in which Rebecca Horn was...
Allmydirtyblueclothes @ Howard Fried. 1969-70
Catalogue of an exhibition, June 16-July 11, 1970. Text is divided into « accumulation », « establishment », and « disestablisment » ». Excerpt from « establishment » : « Formerly, my blue clothing and the symbols that best identify them to me were in...
Pretending to Be a Gargoyle @ Bonnie Sherk. 1973
- SHERK Bonnie, Pretending To Be a Gargoyle, Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco, Ca., 1973. For the series All Night Sculptures, Sherk occupied a rooftop and assumed the attitude of a gargoyle while looking down.
Fuck You Purdue @ Howard Fried. 1971
The work refers to Fried’s brother, Billy, and his Marine Corps drill instructors, Purdue and Ward. « Rumbles : Howard Fried », Avalanche, no. 4, Spring 1972, p. 4. Brief description of two of Fried’s videotapes, Fuck You Perdue, a 25 mins. Tape shown...
Velocity Piece #2 @ Barry Le Va. 1970
« One of Le Va’s more recent works was his contribution to ‘projections : Anti-Materialism’ at La Jolla Museum of Art, which consisted of the artist running at top speed along a fifty-foot room and throwing his body into the far wall as hard and as long...
Mirror Check @ Joan Jonas. 1970.
In her performance piece Mirror Check (1970), Jonas stood nude with a small, round mirror and examined details of her body looking into the entire time, seeing ‘a succession of places unfolding in time’, while the audience watched from a distance of thirty...
40 Winks (The Journey) @ Howard Fried. 1971
- FRIED Howard, 40 Winks (The Journey), University Art Museum, Berkeley, Ca., 1971 (second part). Fried leads his audience on an extended journey through the city streets from Berkeley to Hayward expecting his audience to free themselves and go home to...
40 Winks (The Message) @ Howard Fried. 1971
- FRIED Howard, 40 Winks (The Message). University Art Museum, Berkeley, Ca., 1971 (first part). — Howard Fried, « Synchromatic Baseball, » Arts Magazine, v.47, April 1973, pp.60-63. In this lengthy article, Fried describes his works, Synchromatic Baseball...
The King @ Eleanor Antin. 1972
Writes Antin : « Applying hair to her face, the artist moves throught a variety bearded faces seeking the identity most appropriate to her facial structure ans satisfying to her aspirations. » Antin transforms herself into a man and adopts one of recurring...
Isolation Unit @ Terry Fox & Joseph Beuys. 1970
Fox made an action with sounds and iron pipes ; Beuys made an action that « was a kind of dream about a dead mouse he had, like a funeral. » A record was produced from this event. (Cf. Fox Terry. « Joseph Beuys and Terry Fox : Action/Fotodokumentation...
L'Art doit être beau. L'artiste doit être beau @ M. Abramovic. 1975
ART MUST BE BEAUTIFUL, ARTIST MUST BE BEAUTIFUL (14' 55'') "Je me brosse les cheveux avec une brosse en métal dans la main droite et un peigne dans la main gauche, simultanément, en répétant à haute voix : L'art doit être beau L'artiste doit être beau...