Violin Tuned D.E.A.D. @ Bruce Nauman. 1968
VIOLIN TUNE D.E.A.D., Dans un espace clos, son studio, qui pourrait être le monde entier comme fond de décor, Bruce Nauman fixé au sol-mur à l'horizontale fait vibrer les accords de la M.O.R.T sur un violon. Réverbérations qui parcourent les méandres...
Violin #1 @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-68
VIOLIN FILM #1 (PLAYING THE VIOLIN AS FAST AS I CAN) 1967-68, 10:54 min., b&w, sound, 16 mm film Violin Film #1 (Playing the Violin as Fast as I Can), is one of several 1967-68 films featuring Nauman's violin-playing, in which the production of sound...
Thighing (Blue) @ Bruce Nauman. 1967
THIGHING (BLUE), 1967 1967, 10 min, color, sound, 16 mm film A play on "thigh" and "sighing." Nauman in this film shows a close-up of his thigh, with his hand variously pinching, pushing, and manipulating skin and flesh, as the soundtrack presents his...
Revolving Upside Down @ Bruce Nauman. 1968
REVOLVING UPSIDE DOWN, 1968 L’espace est retourné, inversé, et c'est dans cette perte d'équilibre que Bruce Nauman tourne autour de lui-même sur un seul pied, en quête de son centre de gravité. Et si le vide est sous lui, ce n'est pas pour autant un creux...
Bouncing Two Balls @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-68
BOUNCING TWO BALLS, 1967-68 Bouncing Two Balls Between the Floor and Ceiling with Changing Rhythms 1967-68, 10 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film In this film Nauman bounces two balls in the center of a square marked by tape on the studio floor. He throws them...
Bouncing in the Corner @ Bruce Naumann. 1968-69
BOUNCING IN THE CORNER, 1968-1969 Connu surtout pour ses sculptures en néon et ses installations, Bruce Nauman travaille depuis les années 60 les formes, les médiums, les matériaux dans une totale hétérogénéité : film, vidéo, son, photographie, néon,...
Walk With An Exaggered Manner @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-68
WALK IN AN EXAGGERED MANNER AROUND THE PERIMETER OF A SQUARE, 1967-1968 1967-68, 10 min, b&w, silent, 16 mm film In this silent film, Nauman walks around the perimeter of a large square marked off with masking tape. He shifts his hips exaggeratedly as...
Playing A Note On The Violin @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-68
PLAYING A NOTE ON THE VIOLIN WHILE I WALK AROUND THE STUDIO, 1967-68 1967-68, 10 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film In this film record of a studio activity, Nauman set himself the task of walking while playing "two notes [on a violin] very close together so...
Dance or Exercice @ Bruce Nauman. 1967-68
DANCE OR EXERCISE, 1967-68 Dance or Exercise on the Perimeter of a Square (Square Dance) 1967-68, 10 min, b&w, sound, 16 mm film For this film, Nauman made a square of masking tape on the studio floor, with each side marked at its halfway point. To the...
Walk With Contrapposto @ Bruce Nauman. 1969
WALK WITH CONTRAPPOSTO, 1969 Dans cette vidéo, Bruce Nauman, les mains attachées derrière la nuque avec les coudes en avant, se déplace lentement en balançant son corps de manière exagérée. Il avance vers la caméra et s'en éloigne le long d'un couloir...
Three Frame Studies @ Vito Acconci. 1969-70
THREE FRAME STUDIES 1969-70 Trois études qui exploitent le cadre d’un plan fixe obtenu à partir d’une caméra pour suggérer l’espace de différentes manières. 1 - Circle. La caméra fixe l’angle d’un champ que Vito Acconci traverse plusieurs fois à intervalles...
Double Trouble : Carolee Schneemann and Sands Murray-Wassink by Kathleen Wentrak
C A R O L E E S C H N E E M A N N brief biography Carolee Schneemann's works from 1963 to 1996 were recently presented in a retrospective at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, NYC, selected by the International Association of Art Critics as a best show...