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Response @ Bonnie Sherk. 1971

Response @ Bonnie Sherk. 1971

- SHERK Bonnie, Response, San Diego, 1971 (video) — Alec Lambie, « Things Are Not As They Seem, » Artweek, v.3, March 25, 1972, p.3. An interview with Bonnie Sherk. Includes text and photos of her performances at U.C. San Diego, San Francisco Zoo, and...

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Corner Push @ Terry Fox. 1970

Corner Push @ Terry Fox. 1970

« When we were moving Tom (Marioni?) out of his studio, I noticed a brick wall in an alley. I went over and started feeling it. Then I started pushing. When I did that, I realized what that wall was, what material strength it had. I don’t think I could...

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Pisces @ Terry Fox. 1971

Pisces @ Terry Fox. 1971

- FOX Terry, Pisces, De Saisset Art Gallery, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Ca., 1971. Performance presented for the exhibition, Fish, Fox, Kos (Fish, Fox, Kos. Santa Clara, California : De Saisset Art Gallery, University of Santa Clara, 1971....

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Media Burn @ Ant Farm. 1975

Media Burn @ Ant Farm. 1975

- ANT FARM , Media Burn , 1975-2003. San Francisco. Videotape. 16 mins. Color. « (23:02 version EAI) (alias Chip Lord, Doug Michels, Curtis Schrier, Uncle Buddie) Media Burn integrates performance, spectacle and media critique, as Ant Farm stages an explosive...

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Finger @ Richard Alpert. 1982 (1975)

Finger @ Richard Alpert. 1982 (1975)

- ALPERT Richard, Finger, 80 Langton Street, San Francisco, Ca., 1975. « This piece was a static installation. The room was in general darkness except for lights aimed at several areas in the space. An unindentifiable sound could be heard from the rear...

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Timbre @ Terry Fox. 1976

Timbre @ Terry Fox. 1976

- FOX Terry, Timbre, 1976. Videotape, 30 mins., b/w. — Terry Fox, Timbre, Mt. Tamalpais amphitheater, Ca;, 1976. Fox performing a prompter’s box on a string instrument of found objects. Fox hired an airplane to fly over the performance and tuned his instrument...

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