Life of a Star @ Emilia Telese. 2005. Venise
- TELESE Emilia, Life of a Star, 2005, Venise. Why are we obsessed with celebrities? What’s life like for someone who is continuously stalked, filmed, envied, spied upon, deprived of privacy? Are celebrities ultimately lonely in a sea of shallow obsession...
Borderline @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2005
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Borderline, 2005. Maria Adela Diaz was born in Guatemala in 1973. She currently lives and works in Los Angeles, California. Her art expresses the essence and sublimity of women. She aims to seduce nature within an everyday context...
Antipodes @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2008. Photo. Andrea Aragon
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Antipodes, 2008, photo. Andrea Aragon. (installation-videoperformance) Installation-Video Performance. Photos. Andrea Aragon. Antipodes comes from the Greek (anti-‘‘opposed’’ and pous ‘‘foot’’ and describes the region on the Earth’s...
Desprendimiento/Detachment @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2007. Vidéo-performance
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Desprendimiento/Detachment, 2007 (vidéo-performance). Duration: 3min. The bond between a mother and daughter wavers throughout its evolution. The most prevalent, and possibly most taboo, is the separation of ideologies and disruption...
Mujer sin Titulo/Untitled Women @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2000 et 2007. Guatemala et Venezuela
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Mujer sin Titulo/Untitled Women, 2000 (National Theater, Guatemala) et 2007 (Teresa Carreno Theater, Caracas, Venezuela). Photo: Jaime Freire (Guatemala) et Howard Yanes (Caracas) Performance, Space Intervention. Twelve young women’s...
Vida en el campo de batalla/Life in the battle field @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2007. Caracas. Photo. Ivor Lugo
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Vida en el campo de batalla/Life in the battle field, 2007, Caracas, Vénézuela, photo. Ivor Lugo. Live installation, performance. Duration: 2 hours. 5 man sowing 50 women in a farm field, Caracas, Venezuela, 2007. Photo: Ivor Lugo....
Vivir Aqui/To live Here @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2000. Guatemala. Ixchel Museum
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Vivir Aqui/To live Here, 2000, Ixchel Museum, Guatemala (photo) Space Intervention, action. ‘‘I deposited a dead dog body in the entrance of the Art show called: Vivir Aqui. Ixchel Museum, Guatemala. To live to Guatemala is not to...
La Carga @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2005. Californie. Performance-vidéo. Photo. Miguel Morales
- DIAZ Maria Adela, La Carga, 2005. Californie. Photo. Miguel Morales. (performance-vidéo) Video: single-channel digital video. Duration: 3min. Photos: Digital C-prints, 16’’x20’’. Californie. 2005. Photo: Miguel Morales. Carrying my daughter in my arms...
Resistance @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2008. performance-action. Photo. Rosina Cazali
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Resistance, 2008, Guatemala. photo. Rosina Cazali (performance, action) ‘‘Horror vacui’’ Primera muestra de performance y accionismo, Centro de Formacion de la Cooperacion Espanola, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala. Exploring the pain...
Soy una cerda/I am a pig @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2007. Californie. Photo. Evasofia Leon
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Soy una cerda/I am a pig, 2007, Californie, photo: Evasofia Leon. (vidéo-performance) Video: single-channel digital video. I put a skirt under an apricot tree to recollect all the ripe apricots that the tree could produce in a week....
Tz'ikin @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2009. Photo. Nelson Lemus
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Tz’Ikin, 2009. Photo. Nelson Lemus. (vidéo-performance) Nahual ‘‘Personnal guardian spirit that resides in an animal’’. Tz’ikin ‘‘is the Totem bird for Shamans all over the world. It is the sign of completeness, wholeness representing...
Ambrosia @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2000
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Ambrosia, 2000. Performance. Duration: 1.15 hours. Myself inside a clear box with 25.000 male flies. Historic Center Festival and the Commission of Urban Art, Guatemala, ‘‘Parque del calvario’’, 2000, photo: Andrea Aragon. This talks...
Rubens @ Zhang Huan. 2000
- HUAN Zhang, Rubens, 2001. Rubens’ masterpiece The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus absolutely stunned me. I still remember professor Liu, my art history teacher, continuously ‘‘Rubens’ red is the gratest red in the world, his red is gorgeous, profound...
Bliz-aard Ball Sale @ David Hammons. 1984
- HAMMONS David, Bliz-aard Ball Sale, 1984. Like much of David Hammons’ work, Bliz-aard Ball Sale starts with a minor gesture. On a snowy winter day, Hmmons stood in aheavy coat behind a blaket with an array of snowballs, arranged like a Minimalist grid...
All the Others in Me @ Maria José Arjona. 2012. Mandragoras Art Space. NYC
- ARJONA Maria José, All the Others in Me, March 7. 2012, Mandragoras Art Space, NYC. Photo. Agata Domanska. In the works of Maria José Arjona, the body has always a central place. It is powerful element of visual communication, energy exchange and generator...
Gesture @ Emilia Telese. 2003
- TELESE Emilia, Gesture, 2003. Gesture 2 was presented at the Up-Grade 0-1 Festival (Club-Tenax-Florance) on 21-01-03. Photography and documentation : Mark Bennett.
Life of a Star @ Emilia Telese. 1998. Brighton. UK
- TELESE Emilia, Life of a Star, 1998. Part of the Live Art weekend at Fabrica Gallery, Brighton, UK. Study of celebrity as the result of morbid attention from the public. A 1930’s movie star surrounded by five bodyguards describing meticously her every...
I-Land X-Isle @ Latai Taumoepeau. 2011. Sydney. Photo. Heidrun Lohr
- TAUMOEPEAU Latai, I-Land X-Isle, 2011, Performance Space, Sydney, Australie. Photo Heidrun Lohr. Explore the impact of climate change on island communities through this large-scale performance installation by Latai Taumoepeau. Large blocks of ice, suspended...
Today's News to The History @ Sunil Sigdel. 2008. South Asian Exhibition. Bangladesh
- SIGDEL Sunil, Today’s News to The History, 2008, South Asian Exhibition, Bangladesh. We read history to get knowledge about our past. War is a large part of world history. We have learnt from our civilization that many of the big war were begin by the...
Dark @ Sunil Sigdel. 2006
- SIGDEL Sunil, Dark, 2006, Sutra Local Workshop, Pokhara. performance 15 min. This event was a satirical performance to the then government controlled media. I got myself into a costume made tight black suit with a mask on I had a photograph of my own...
Erasable @ Hector Canonge. 2011. Miami Art Fair
- CANONGE Hector, Erasable, 2011, Miami Art Fair. About: Performance art work references the disappearance of undocumented immigrant workers due to current laws adopted by the United States. The inhumane vanishing and separation of women, men, and children...
Granada @ Hector Canonge. 2011
- CANONGE Hector, Granada, 2011, Stage-Newark, New Jersey, Friday, October 22. Photo. Fernanda Hubeaut. About: Granada is a performance as a ristualistic experience. Using the spanish word, for pomegranate, granada references the fruit’s origins in Iran...