Erasable @ Hector Canonge. 2011. Miami Art Fair

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Canonge Hector 2011 Erasable Miami Art Fair 1

- CANONGE Hector, Erasable, 2011, Miami Art Fair.


Performance art work references the disappearance of undocumented immigrant workers due to current laws adopted by the United States. The inhumane vanishing and separation of women, men, and children from their families, communities, is reflected in a barren landscape marked by traces of peoples, names, places, types of work, status, etc.


Erasable is a durational performance consisting of using the wall surface of a public space. The bilingual narrative is created on site and defaced as it is translated from Spanish into English. Word by word, the narrative  is translated on one side of the wall while its original is erased with the stroke of the brush. First narrative consists of naming people and places. Second narrative consists of listings jobs immigrants take and where they perform the work, and the third is about race, gender and the archetypes created to identify other people. The performance culminates by leaving traces of the narratives accentuated by the repetitive word immigrant.

(documentation of the performance presented at the opening of Fountain Art Fair on December 2, 2011)

Canonge Hector 2011 Erasable Miami Art Fair 2

Canonge Hector 2011 Erasable Miami Art Fair 3

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