Today's News to The History @ Sunil Sigdel. 2008. South Asian Exhibition. Bangladesh

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Sigdel Sunil 2008 Today's News to The History 2008-copie-1

- SIGDEL Sunil, Today’s News to The History, 2008, South Asian Exhibition, Bangladesh.

We read history to get knowledge about our past. War is a large part of world history. We have learnt from our civilization that many of the big war were begin by the egoistic thoughts and attitude of few people. During each war, there were a huge loses of innocent lives and always many people suffered by it years after years, from what we yet experience pain while we read or hear about those stories. Present days as well when we are having a civilized life, because of few leaders of the Globe we still have been passing through the similar situation and suffering directly or indirectly in some way by the effect of the war.

For this performance, I have collected images of different war victims, fighters and related people from internet and newpapers. I also recorded relevant news regarding war, terrorists etc. from BBC. I pasted many band aid leaves on my body and tried to lightening the images with small cigarette lighters. The speaker was fixed with my mouth that was talking about war. The people from the history were seemed to be listening to the present war situation of this Globe from BBC via my mouth. (Sunil Sigdel)

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Sigdel Sunil 2008 Today's News to The History 2008 South As

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