Pearls of Sustenance @ Alexandra Zierle & Paul Carter. 2014
- ZIERLE Alexandra & CARTER Paul, Pearls of Sustenance, 2014 in parallel with the performance of Andreas Pashias, Gaze. Part of the exhibition ‘‘Feeling Queezy?!’’ At Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia Tallinn-Estonia/August 2014. Photographic Documentation:...
ALT TLA @ Ève Bonneau. 2015
- BONNEAU Ève, ALT TLA, 2015. 3 Hours durationnal performance Alourdie par l’eau du bain qu’elle a prise avec son pull en laine, Ève porte sur sa tête un verre rempli d’eau, montant et descendant d’un escabeau. Arrivée en haut, elle boit l’eau du verre,...
Vapor @ Ève Bonneau. 2015
- BONNEAU Ève, Vapor, 2013. Performance (photos : Chihuahua-Mexico 2013) Four women take a steam bath letting the heat going through their intimacy, guiding their movements and sensations. This act is a revival of the feminine eroticism loosening from...
Adhérence @ Ève Bonneau. 2015
- BONNEAU Ève, Adhérence, 2015. Installation-performance (travail en cours : réalisé à Berlin & Bruxelles) Ici l’action de construire prend une forme de Performance durationnelle, laquelle donne lieu à une installation temporaire dans l’espace de la résidence....
Untitled 1 @ Shahar Marcus 2008. Varsovie. photo. L. Fidusiewicz
Shahar Marcus (b. 1971) is an Israeli based artist who primary works in the medium of performance and video art. His initial works dealt with the exploration of his own body and its limitations- ...
Untitled @ Shahar Marcus. 2008. Varsovie. photo. L. Fidusiewicz
Shahar Marcus (b. 1971) is an Israeli based artist who primary works in the medium of performance and video art. His initial works dealt with the exploration of his own body and its limitations- ...