Titta von Tesa @ Jakob Lena Knebl. 2010
- KNEBL Jakob Lena, Titta von Tesa, 2010. Jakob Lena Knebl (1970, Austria) works in the field of performance art and photography utilizing her own body as her primary medium. ‘‘The idea of a binary gender system started to become an ever-growing theme...
Me series @ Ghazel. 1997-2008
- GHAZEL, Me series, 1997-2008. Dans Me, série d’autoportraits vidéo tragico-burlesques, Ghazel se filme dans de courtes séquences, toujours vêtue d’un tchador. Le tissu noir, représentation métonymique de la femme iranienne, devient progressivement un...
Love. Opposition. Cool @ Elena Kovylina. 2001
- KOVYLINA Elena, Love. Opposition. Cool, 4-09-2001, The performance and exhibition, Berlin, Guardini Stiftung.
100 vs. 100 @ Patrycja German. 2006
- GERMAN Patrycja, 100 vs. 100, 2006. This full-body combat shows a naked woman and a naked man, each weighing 100 kilos and dressed in the same black shorts contrasting with their pink flesh. In profile to the camera, the bodies charge at each other...
80 vs. 3 @ Patrycja German. 2006
- GERMAN Patrycja, 80 vs. 3, 2006. Patrycja German (1979, Poland) uses video, installation, photography and performance to reflect on the forms of representation of the female body. Her actions question the roles of gender and typical gender behaviours....
Red Adobe @ Elena Kovylina. 2003
- KOVYLINA Elena, Red Adobe, 31-01-2003. The Performance & Exhibition, K&S Gallery, Berlin.
Simbiosis Interrumpida @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2000
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Simbiosis Interrumpida/Interrupted Symbiosis, 2000. Performance, Odor Installation. Duration: 1hour 3 min. Photo: Digital C-print, variable dimensions, Tripiarte, post Building, Guatemala, Guatemala, 2000. photo: Andrea Aragon. Taking...
Cagarda de Sal @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2000
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Cagarda de Sal/Loaded with Salt, 2000. Performance. Photo: Digital C-print 11’’x 14’’, Puerto de San José, Guatemala, 2000, photo: Raul Touzon. Walking through a public beach, carrying 20 pounds of fresh fish.
Blossom @ Maria Adela Diaz. 2008
- DIAZ Maria Adela, Blossom, 2008. Video Performance. Video: single-channel digital video. Photo: Digital C-prints, 16’’x20’’, Californa. Photo: Miguel Morales. Blossom is defined by the period of greatest prosperity or productivity which evolves through...
Ecce Animal @ Diddo
Dimension 12 x 18 x 22 cm. Compression molded cocaine (street source) and Gelatin Commissioned piece
The Mythic Being @ Adrian Piper. 1973
- PIPER Adrian, The Mythic Being, 1973. Adrian Piper (1948, USA, Germany) is a first-generation Conceptual artist who started exhibiting her work internationally at the age of twenty. She graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 1969. She also studied...
Power @ Mariuccia Pisani. 2008
- PISANI Mariuccia, Power, 2008. Mariuccia Pisani (1973, USA) lives and works in Pescara, Italy, and New York. Her works encompasses performances, installations, photography and video and frequently originate in an autobiographical background. The artist...
Blood Certified @ Boryana Rossa & Oleg Mavromatti. 2009
- ROSSA Boryana & MAVROMATTI Oleg, Blood Certified, 2009. Performed at: performance in Crisis, Exit Art, NYC. We print $1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 notes using stencils and our blood as ink and sell them to the audience for the price indicated on the note....
Saemann meets Schneemann @ Andrea Saemann. 2005
- SAEMANN Andrea, Saemann Meets Schneemann, 2005. Andrea Saemann (1962, Switzerland) studied architecture in Zurich and art in hamburg under Marina Abramovic. She currently lives in Basel, where she is an artist and independant curator. She has coordinated,...
La voz humana @ Maria Ruido. 1997
- RIUDO Maria, La Voz Humana, 1997. An artist, filmmaker, researcher and cultural producer, Maria Ruido (1967, Spain) has been working on interdisciplinary media projects since 1996. Along with her artistic work, she developed on investigation of the...
I am not half the man I used to be @ Stefanie Seibold. 2005
- SEIBOLD Stefanie, I am not half the man I used to be , 2005. Stefanie Seibold (1967, Germany, Austria) works with performances, videos, collages, sounds and video installations. Her interest lies primarily in gestures and signs that constitute sexual...
Feed Me @ Barbara Smith. 1973. MOCA
- SMITH Barbara, Feed Me, 1973. San Francisco. Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco, Ca. Performed in the MOCA series, All Night Sculptures. Smith created a boudoir environment and invited individuals one at a time to enter and interact with the artist....