Performing Arts

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

- Anker Verena, Digital Dance: the Effects of Interaction between New Technologies and Dance Performance, VDM Verlag. 2008.
- Banes Sally, Democracy's Body. Judson Dance Theater 1962-1964, Durham, Londres, Duke University Press, 1995.
- Banes Sally, Greenwich Village 1963. Avant-Garde Performance and the Effervescent Body, Durham, Londres, Duke University Press, 1993.
- Caux Jacqueline et Raspail Thierry, Anna Halprin à l'origine de la performance, Panama Éditions. 2006.
- Kintzler Catherine et Boissière Anne, Approche philosophique du geste dansé, PU Septentrion. 2006
- Kozel Susan, Closer. Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology. The MIT Press. 2008.
- Lambert-Beatty C., Being Watched. Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s. The MIT Press. 2008
- Schechner Richard, Between Theater & Anthropology, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985.
- Yvonne Rainer. Une femme qui... Écrits, entretiens, essais critiques, JRP Ringier. 2008.
- Zarius Karl-Heinz, "TRANSICION. Musik-Theater-Musik bei Mauricio Kagel", Improvisation - Performance - Szene, Mainz, Schott Verlag, ED 1997, p. 55-67.

- Atlas Charles, Biped/Pond Way. Merce Cunningham Dance Company, Paris, Mk2, 2006.
- Merce Cunningham. A Lifetime of Dance, directed by Charles Atlas, An American Masters Production, 2000.
Merce Cunningham, Fifty Forward "from Ocean to Ocean" de David Vaugham  (book-cdrom), produced by Cunningham Dance Company, 2005.

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