Beyond Cinema. The Art of Projection by Joachim Jager, Gabriele Knaptein et Annett Husch. Hatje Cantz. 2006.
Beyond Cinema. The Art of Projection by Joachim Jager, Gabriele Knaptein et Annett Husch. Hatje Cantz. 2006.
Arts, histoire des arts, performance, arts visuels, arts sonores, musique, design, arts de l'écran, arts de la scène, technologies du son et de l'image
Beyond Cinema. The Art of Projection by Joachim Jager, Gabriele Knaptein et Annett Husch. Hatje Cantz. 2006.
Installations. L'art en situation . Collectif. Thames & Hudson. 1997.
From Margin to Center. The Spaces of Installation Art by JH Reiss. The MIT Press. 2001. Unlike traditionnal art works, Installation art has no autonomous existence. It is usually created for a paticular exhibition space, and its meaning is dependent on...
Understanding Installation Art: From Duchamp to Holzer by M. Rosenthal. Prestel. 2003
Installation Art in Close-up by William Malpas. Crescent Moon Publishing. 2007.
Being Watched. Yvonne Rainer and the 1960s by Carrie Lambert-Beatty. The MIT Press. 2008. In her dance and performanc of the 1960s, Yvonne rainer famously transformed the performing body -stripped it of special techniques and star status, trade its costumes...
Design and Art edited by Alex Coles. MIT Press. 2007. This reader in Whitechapel's Documents of Contmporary Art series investigates the interchange between art and design. Since the Pop and Minimalist eras - as the work of artists ranging from Andy Warhol...
The Idea of Design by Victor Margolin & Richard Buchanan. The MIT Press 1996. The Idea of Design is an anthology of essays that addresses the nature and practice of product design and graphic design in the contemporary world. The essays, selected from...
Closer. Performance, Technologies, Phenomenology by S. Kozel. MIT Press. 2008. In Closer, Susan Kozel draws on live performance practice, digital technologies, and the philosophical approach of phenomenology. Trained in dance and philosophy, Kozel places...
Acting with Technology , Victor Kaptelinin & Bonnie A. Nardi. The MIT Press. 2006. Activity theory holds that the human mind is the product of our interaction with people and artifacts in the context of everyday activity. Acting with Technology makes...
Sensorium. Embodied Experience, Technology, and Contemporary Art, Edited by Caroline A. Jones, The MIT Press. 2006. The relationship between the body and electronic technology extensively theorized through the 1980s and 1990s, has reached a new technosensual...
Dans l'art de Lucas Samaras, tout tourne autour de lui-même, de son corps qu'il désigne comme matériau, avec lequel il travaille. Réduire son œuvre au Body-Art serait toutefois injuste pour ce New Yorkais d'adoption. Il est également sculpteur, mais aussi...