2014 : chronologie performance

Publié le par Olivier Lussac



- BOLIVER Rocio (aka La Congelada de Uva) & GRANDE Begonã, Balancing on the edge/age, 2014, Chicago.

- BOLIVER Rocio (aka La Congelada de Uva) & KONUKMAN Burçak, Between Menopause and Old Age, 2014, Istanbul,  photo. Pinar Derin Gencer.

- BOLIVER Rocio (aka La Congelada de Uva), Between Menopause and Old Age, 2014, Gwangju Korea Bienalle. photo. Jingi Lee.

- BOLIVER Rocio (aka La Congelada de Uva), Entre la menopausia y la vejez, 2014, Lisbonne

Photo. Cris Severo.

- BOUVIER Christine, Code 12, 2014, Confluences, Paris, photo: Alexey Markin.

- CANONGE Hector & CHONA Pablo, Reflejos, 2014, Colombie (action publique).

- CANONGE Hector, Accionarar Residencia Artistica, 2014, Colombie.

- CANONGE Hector, Colectivo Alterna-Vias, 2014, Colombie. (action publique).

- CANONGE Hector, Memories from Arequipa, 2014, Pérou, Festival Pleamar.

- CANONGE Hector, Performative contributions about Migration and border regime, 2014, MPA-Berlin.

- CANONGE Hector, Tombola?, 2014, Université nationale de Colombie.

- CHEVALIER Montaine, 2m2 chez Maud, 2014. Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- CHONA Felipe, MATRICARDI Maria, ORTIZ David, BRITES Mariana, Accion en vivo ydiferido, 2014, Colombie.

- CIAPP Pascale, Bleu, Blanc, Rouge, 2014.

- CURI Raffaele, Oceano Adriatico, 2014.

- D’EMILIA Dani & CHAVEZ Brittany, Pencame, Pencame Mucho, 2014, Montréal.

A performance by Dani D’Emilia & Brittany Chavez. IX Encuentro-Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics. Manifest: Choregraphing Social Movements in the Americas. Transnocheo Rialto Theatre, Montréal, Canada, June 2014. Photos: Julio Pantoja.

- D’EMILIA Dani, Out of Box, 2014, Lisbonne.

- DE ROBERTIS Déborah, Performance devant L’Origine du monde, 2014, Musée d’Orsay.

- DEIMLING BBB Johannes & PASHIAS Andreas , Erostrat, 2014 (photo: Monika Sobczak)

32 minutes. duo performance with Andreas Pashias. as part of ‘‘V-ideas performance’’/beton 7,’’epitelesis presents… bbb johannes deimling’’/epitelesis-performance arts foundation, athens, greece.

- DEIMLING BBB Johannes, A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss #7, 2014

150 minutes

Muthesius academy of art, Kiel, Germany, 2014. as part of the international conference ‘‘infinite records: repetition and co-affecting’’, curated by Karemenlara Ely.

- sitting in a pile of wooden chairs on a staircase

- blowing into a straw creating bubbles in a bowl with water and soap

- standing up slowly and crawling down the stairs.

- DI CHIAPPARI Axel, Aux idées noires, 2014.

- DI CHIAPPARI Axel, Chemin de vie, 2014, centre-ville, Sète.

- DINE Alougbine, Performance, 2014, Biennale Dakar.

- FEDHILA Moufida, Stop/Eject, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- FRANCUILLI Flavio, J’éjacule mes souvenirs, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain.

- GALEANO Andrés, Mercurio Vorador, 2014, photo. Gonzalo Tejeda.

- GHAYATT Omar, The Casting, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- GOLUBOVIC Snezaná, Conversation 8. Looking to the Future, 2014.

- GOLUBOVIC Snezaná, Counting, 2014, Binnenkant. Amsterdam, Ph. Monali Meher.

- GOLUBOVIC Snezaná, Counting, 2014, Sao Paulo. Brésil. ph. Tales Frey.

- GOLUBOVIC Snezaná, I love you, 2014, Sao Paulo. Brésil. Ph. Suzana Queiroga.

- GOLUBOVIC Snezaná, Sweet Steps, 2014, German Leather Museum, Offenbach, ph. Corina Gertz.

- GRACIA Fausto, Dolerse, 2014, Mexique.

- GRACIA Fausto, Performance, 2014, Berlin.

- GRACIA Fausto, The Sense of Fragility, 2014, Chypre.

- HILL Nate, The Hunt Storybook, 2014. Cowritten by random Rosenbohm.

An autobiographical dog performance that extends TheHuntStorybook.com into a live action role playing game. It took place regularly from 2/4/14 - 7/7/14 in Central Park and random East Harlem housing projects and parks.

- KEDZIOR Gilivanka & FRIEDMAN Barbara, Goodbye Chen die Yi, 2014, photo. Daniela Beltrani.

- KEDZIOR Gilivanka & FRIEDMAN Barbara, Knacker’s Ball, 2014, 8 nov., ph. Gérard Koskovich.

- KEDZIOR Gilivanka & FRIEDMAN Barbara, Triptych #2. Blackleg, 2014, ph. Laurent Carlier

- KROSS Kirsty, 2014, Performance Art Oslo, photo: Ayat Gali.

- KULIKOSKA Masha, Sous le drapeau ukrainien, 2014, Paris, Confluences.

- LA POCHA NOSTRA, Activist (Anti) Manifesto for the Americas, 2014, Viger Square, Montréal, Canada (June).

IX Encuentro-Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics. Manifest: choreographing Social Movements in the Americas. Emboying a new activist anti-manifesti for the Americas with over 40 co-writers of the document, major indigenous activists and theorists from the Americas, overs 15 performers artists – gathering over 200 people. A performance intervention by La Pocha Nostra, Idle No More, Immigrant Workers Centre and Encuentro participants. Including: Peter Kulchyski, Hector Canonge, Fabio Salvatti, Carolyn Vera, Lucero Medina, Karina Vargas, Marina Barsy, Elle Mehrmand, Leyneuf Tines, Alex Wilson, Elyla Sinvergüenza, Victor Payan, Inti Naxhielli Barrios, Sylvia Saysewahum, Sheelah Mclean, Antonio Bavaro, Julia Libertad. Images: Julio Pantoja, La Clau, Roderick Steele, Juliana Borrero.

- LA POCHA NOSTRA, Activist (Anti) Manifesto for the Americas, D’EMILIA Dani & CHAVEZ Brittany, 2014.

- LA POCHA NOSTRA, Activist (Anti) Manifesto for the Americas, HU Emilia & KULCHYSKI Peter, 2014.

- LARIBI Rochdi, Faire l’amour avec un(e) inconnu(e), 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- LIÈVRE Pascal, Défilé féministe, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- MARKIN Alexey, Laver le drapeau russe, 2014, Festival Confluences, Paris.

- MIAO Jiaxin, Ash, 2014.

- MIAO Jiaxin, News, 2014, Brooklyn, NYC.

Live performance at Outlet Fine Arts documented with surveillance cameras.

In a ritualistic body cleaning performance, The Wall Street Journals is used to swab his skin. The ashy ink stains is left on his face, chest, rear, and feet. The attempts to wash the body only leave him more stained than before. The water mixed with skin dirt and body fluid is reboiled and recycled.

- MISSA BLUE, Water.Blood, 2014.

- MOIRÉ Milo, The Script System, 19 juin 2014, Art Basel, Suisse.

- O’DONNELL Sinead, Headspace. White Cube,  2014. Performance art sculpture. Photo Shot - Mary Morgan.

- POULET Anaïs, Cantique de l’eau, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille

- QINGMEI Yao, Cérémonie de délivrance animal, 2014, Musée de la chasse et de la nature, Paris. 

Photo : Clara Mill.

- RENTERIA Martin, Erosion-Entropic Action, 2014, Venice International Performance Art Week.

- SANTAMARIA TORRES Elvira, 2014, photo. Boris Nieslony.

- SANTAMARIA TORRES Elvira, Autorretrato de humo y rosa. Parabola III, 2014, Oaxaca, Mexique.

- SANTAMARIA TORRES Elvira, Tiempo espacio presencia, 2014, Mexique.

- SHAH Dimple B., Beauty of the Innocence, 2014 (Sri Lanka)

- SHAH Dimple B., Conversation with Darkness, 2014.

- SHAH Dimple B., Dual Paradox, 2014.

- SHAH Dimple B., From the shadow of the past, 2014.

- SHAH Dimple B., Imprinting the dark, 2014.

- SHAH Dimple B., Parade to the times of Yore, 2014.

- SHAH Dimple B., Piece of Earth in my Pocket, 2014.

- SIEGRIST Franzisca, 2014 , Performance Art Oslo.

- SUKA OFF, Transfera 6, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- SURYODARMO Melati, I Love You, 2014.

- THIERS Raphaël & FARGET Anne Sarah, Le Libre danseur, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- VANONI Steve, L’Ami américain, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- VECCO Audrey, Smoke your boum, 2014, Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille.

- WEI Li, Wei Li Falls to the Earth, 2014.

- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Woman’s Wish, 2014, National Gallery of Art in Sopot, Sopot, Pologne. 

Photo/video: Jerzy Bartkowski.

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