77 Million Paintings (2007) by Brian Eno (dvd. Second revised version)
77 Million Paintings by Brian Eno, All Saints Records/Wordsalad, Opal Music, excerpt in North America Upala Music (BMI), 2007. 77 Million Paintings is the next evolutionary stage of Brian Eno's exploration into light as an artist's medium and the aesthetic...
14 Video Paintings (2005) by Brian Eno (dvd)
"I see TV as a picture medium rather than a narrative medium. Video for me is a way of configuring light, just as painting is a way of configuring paint. What you see is simply light patterned in various ways. For an artist, video is the best light organ...
TopoSonic Spheres (2004) de Sabine Schäfer et Joachim Krebs (cd)
Schä fer Sabine et Krebs Joachim, TopoSonic Spheres. Ein RaumklangKomposition, Mainz, Wergo, Artist-Cd ARTS 8107 2, 2004.
Démocratie et éducation : Le Black Mountain College 1
Démocratie et éducation : le Black Mountain College et les arts visuels, 1945-1957 Une nouvelle éducation américaine Le Black Mountain College fait partie non seulement de l’histoire de l’éducation, mais encore de celle des arts au XXe siècle. Les quelques...
Mountain War Project de Jorge E. Lopez (2007)
Mountain War Project (Gebirgskriegsprojekt). Dream structure for video design with concrete and instrumental surround sound (Wachtraum für videogestaltung konkreten und instrumentalen Raumklang de Jorge E. Lopez (KlangForum, Wien) ZKM, edition ZKM-Wergo,...
Surface Tension Supplement No. 1, edited by Ken Ehrlich & Brandon LaBelle
Surface Tension Supplement No. 1, Edited By Ken Ehrlich & Brandon Labelle, Los Angeles, Copenhague, Errant Bodies Press, 2006. Following the release Surface Tension: Problematics of Site in 2003, Errant Bodies Press inaugurates Surface Tension Supplements,...
Salamanovich David-Elliot
David-Elliot Salamanovich est artiste et professeur à l'École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Limoges, spécialiste de Design et communication, notamment dans le domaine du textile. Diplômé en stylisme, design et commnication (Uruguay) et design...
Paysage Textile-Expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich
Paysage Textile-expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich ©
Paysage Textile-Expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich
Paysage Textile-expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich ©
Paysage Textile-Expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich
Paysage Textile-expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich ©
Paysage Textile-Expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich
Paysage Textile-expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich ©
Paysage Textile-Expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich
Paysage Textile-expo B(earth) de David-Elliot Salamanovich ©