etc_random (2004) de Kazuya Ishigami et Johannes Sistermanns
etc_random (2004) de Kazuya Ishigami et Johannes Sistermanns, Mainz, Wergo Arts 8104 2.
Noisegate M6 de Granular Synthesis
Granular Synthesis, NoiseGate-M6, book + CD audio, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1997.
Surround Music
Surround Music (Alvin Lucier, Ludger Brümmer, Justin Bennett, Nicholas Collins, Kaffe Matthews, Anne Wellmer), DVD-Audio, Mainz, Edition ZKM, Wergo WER 2058 5, 2004.
Thrill de Ludger Brümmer et Silke Braemer
Ludger Brummer, Kompositionen (Phrenos, Lizard Point, de la nuit, Thrill, Inferno der Still) et Silker Braemer, Lizard Point et Le temps s'ouvre, Mainz, Wergo, Edition ZKM, Wergo WER2059 5.
Granular Synthesis. Remixes for Single Screen (dvd)
Granular Synthesis. Kurt Hentschläger/Ulf Langheinrich (Modell 5 et Reset), Autriche, Index dvd 003. Employing monumental Projected images and bludgeonning sound- environments, the multimedia installations of Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langeinrich marks...
Immersive Works bei Granular Synthesis (dvdrom)
Immersive Works. Granular Synthesis. Kurt Hentschläger-Ulf Lanheinrich, ZKM-Hatje Cantz, 2004. Kurt Hentschläger and Ulf Langheinrich have been working together as Granular Synthesis since 1991. Focusing on the synaesthetic relationship of sound and image,...
Merce Cunningham. A Lifetime of Dance by Charles Atlas (dvd)
One of the most prominent figures in contemporary arts, Merce Cunningham has performed and choreographed modern dance for over fifty years. Both daring and innovative, his explorations into the avant-garde have captivated audiences, fascinated critics...
Fifty Forward "from Ocean to Ocean" de Merce Cunningham (book-cdrom)
Merce Cunningham, Fifty Forward "from Ocean to Ocean" de David Vaugham (book-cdrom), produced by Cunningham Dance Company, 2005. The book Merce Cunningham: Fifty Years, by David Vaugham, published by Aperture in 1997, conclued with the creation of a major...
Biped/Pondway de Merce Cunningham (dvd)
Figure emblématique de la danse moderne et contemporaine. Merce Cunningham poursuit depuis 60 ans une oeuvre mondialement reconnue comme révolutionnaire. Avec sa compagnie fondée en 1953, il n'a cessé de travailler dans un souci d'avant-garde sur le mouvement...
Destricted, Katapult Film Sales, Revolver Entertainment, 2006 (dvd)
Destricted, Katapult Film Sales, Revolver Entertainment, UK, 2006 (dvd), films de Larry Clark, Gaspar Noé, Sam Taylor-Wood, Matthew Barney, Richard Prince, Marco Brambilla et Marina Abramovic (interdit - de 18 ans) Destricted invited seven artists to...
Bill Viola. The Eye of the Heart by Mark Kidel (dvd)
Bill Viola. The Eye of the Heart by Mark Kidel, A Calliope Media production for BBC in association with Arte France, 2002. Bill Viola has been exploring video art since its beginnings in the 1970's, and is increalingly recognised as one of the most important...
Sonic Fiction. Synaesthetic Video from Austria (dvd)
Sonic Fiction. Synaesthetic Video from Austria, Vienne, Index DVD Edition, DVD 014. A DVD release celebrating the extraordinary young video and electronic music scene in Austria. These are radical avant-garde works that emerge logically from modern electronic...
Vier Videokünstler: Barney, Hill, McCarthy, Neshat (2 dvds)
Vier Videokünstler: Barney, Hill, McCarthy, Neshat, Fünf Filme von Maria Tappeiner, Jörg und Ralf Raimo Jung, reinhard Wulf. Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, AbsolutMedien Dokumente 933, 2 DVDs, 2007. - Matthew Barney hat sich seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre mit einer...