Bill Viola Entretiens
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Arts, histoire des arts, performance, arts visuels, arts sonores, musique, design, arts de l'écran, arts de la scène, technologies du son et de l'image
Selected Artist's Writings Bill Viola: Statements by the Artistcat.). Introduction by Julia (exh. Brown. Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1985. Reasons for Knocking at an Empty Writings 1973–1994. Edited by Robert Violette with Bill Viola. Cambridge,...
The Stopping Mind, 1991 Video/sound installation Exhibition copy; original in the Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt. Still images appear on four large screens mounted parallel to the four walls of the room. A voice is audible at the center of the space...
Bill Viola is a major figure in video art. His installations and videotapes, which have received international recognition, are distinguished by a confluence of allegorical resonance and virtuosic control of technology. Viola explores video's temporal...
Since the mid-1970s, Woody Vasulka's work has focused on a rich articulation of the syntactical potential of electronic imaging. After producing a pioneering body of tapes in collaboration with Steina in the early 1970s, he has since undertaken a sophisticated...
ORBITAL OBSESSIONS, 1975-1977 Cette bande fait partie d'un projet de longue haleine auquel Steina s'est attelée dès le milieu des anées 70, qu'elle appelle Machine Vision ; il s'agit de trouver les moyens de produire des machines capables d'avoir une...
FLUX,1977 Le paysage occupe une place toute particulière dans le travail de Steina Vasulka; dès le milieu des années 70, toutes ses réflexions sur l'espace comme donnée abstraite seront ancrées dans l'utilisation toujours plus fréquente de paysages. L'espace...
Since the mid-1970s, Steina has explored intricate transformations of vision, space and sound, through a dynamic confluence of digital technologies, mechanical devices and natural landscape. After producing a pioneering body of work with Woody Vasulka...
Steina and Woody Vasulka are major figures in video history, technical pioneers who have contributed enormously to the evolution of the medium and who continue to be major practitioners of video as art. The Vasulkas' technological investigations into...
Nam June Paik is a major contemporary artist and a seminal figure in video art. His video sculptures, installations, performances and tapes encompass one of the most influential and significant bodies of work in the medium. From his Fluxus-based performances...
Bruce Nauman's films and videotapes from the 1960s and '70s are recognized as among the most influential and innovative in contemporary art. Twenty-nine historical works by Nauman have been newly restored through EAI's Preservation Program. Bruce Nauman...