Kein Spiel @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2011

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Suryodarmo Melati 2012 Kein Spiel ph. Evamaria Schaller 1

- SURYODARMO Melati, Kein Spiel, 2011, photo: Evamaria Schaller.

Kein Spiel is a collaboration work where we both were searching for possibilities to encounters each other by inventing an improvisation and objects. We tried to develop our simplest point of view about space and object, to be in the space and to be as well the subject or object.

Duration 40 minutes.

Performed at ‘‘Performance Hautnah’’, Kunstlerforum Bonn, Germany, 2011.

Publié dans Performances

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