Image of München 4- Happy Birthday Minga @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Wittstock Herma Auguste 2012 Image of München 4-Happy Birt Wittstock Herma Auguste 2012 Image of München 4-H-copie-1

- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste,  Image of München 4-Happy Birthday Minga, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München.

10 days/live performance

On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series.

Today is Munich’s 854 anniversary. Because of that I first go to the Marienplatz and buy a gingerbread heart. I order to write on it Ois’ Guade Minga, means in this context Happy Birthday Munich in Bavarian language. I wear this heart and walk across the centre of Munich.

In gallery I build festoons in black and yellow and rosettes in white and blue and decorate the gallery with it. I put the gingerbread heart on the wall and wear a long black evening dress, which has on one side the emblem of Munich appliqued.

I paint and draw 854 cakes for Munich on paper and put them on the wall. I invite the audience to join me painting some cakes for Munich.

Photo/video: Herma Auguste Wittstock.

Wittstock Herma Auguste 2012 Image of München 4-H-copie-2 Wittstock Herma Auguste 2012 Image of München 4-H-copie-3

Publié dans Performances

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