Fault @ Sherman Fleming. 1981. Exit Art

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Fleming Sherman 1981 Fault. Exit Art

- FLEMING Sherman (aka RodForce), Postcard invitation for Fault, 1981, Art Archive, Fales Library, NYC University.

Using his former pseudonym RodForce, Sherman Fleming explored ideas about black masculinity and confronted the psychosexual tensions surrounding it. Something Akin to Living (1979), is seen here on the invitation to Fault, an endurance-based media performance presented at Exit Art on April 15, 1981. This postcard is addressed to Melissa Rachleff, then an intern at Exit Art. The artist’s scribbed note reads: ‘‘Melissa, I received the 3/4’’ (video) from Endurance. Thanks for the return. And thanks for the inclusion in the Endurance show. Hope to hear from you soon, let me know what’s going on. Sherman.’’

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