Roland Auzet : Percussion(s), 3 CDs, 1 DVD, livre bilingue

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Roland Auzet : Percussion(s)

Mode Record
PO Box 1262
New York, NY 10009, USA
Tschann Librairie
125 bd du Montparnasse
75006 Paris, France

« Percussion(s) » is the first collection of Inactuelles :
3 Cds and a DVD of studio recordings by virtuoso French percussionnist/composer Roland Auzet
- for percussion solo (Xenakis, Taïra)
- for percussion and voice (Xenakis, Pape)
- for percussion and ensemble (Xenakis, Milhaud, Alsina)
- for percussion and electronics (Auzet, Bancquart, Campion, Jodlowski, Tanaka)
A dvd of Auzet’s performance of Xenakis’ Psappha and Rebounds

Recordings of 13 works, including 6 world premieres
Performers include vocalists Nicholas Isherwood, Janet Pape and Armelle Orieux, Ensemble Fa, Ensemble Musique Aujourd’hui, conductors Jean-Marie Adrien, Alain Bancquart and Dominique My
A book (over 500 pages, in english and french) by French musicologist Pierre-Albert Castanet, Percussion(s): Gesture and Spirit, which discusses the history of percussion music including interviews with Auzet about interpretation and performance of percussion music, especially the works and the composer recorded in this set
Preface Pierre Boulez
Postface by Steven Schick, master American percussionnist.

Publié dans Ouvrages. CDs & DVDs

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