I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

- SURYODARMO Melati, I’m a Ghost in My Own House, 2012.

I’m a Ghost in My Own House Is a twelve hours performance where Melati Suryodarmo crusched and grinded hundreds of kilograms of charcoal briquettes on a grinding table placed in the middle of exhibition hall – which she has transformed into a vagueness and magical charcoal pool. For Melati, charcoals haver served as a symbol of life’s energy, but she has experienced herself how life’s magic can fade away and even become spent.

‘‘This charcoal process can represent my throughts and psychological state, charred into coals through a certain systems and, of course, through my personal events. In my mind, charcoals also have the potential to change and also to destroy… I choose to grind down these coals, turning them into grains and dust and soot. Grinded charcoal, will only lose its energy potential. My thoughts that have been turned into coals by the system, if they pass through the processes of liberation, catharsis, and death… maybe they will once again grow into something new.’’ (Melati Suryodarmo)

Duration : 12 hours

Performed at the Lawangwangi Creative Space, Lawangwangi Foundation, Bandung, Indonesia.

I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia
I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia
I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia
I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia
I'm a Ghost in My Own House @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2012. Bandung. Indonesia

Publié dans Performances

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