Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008
Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008
Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008Memorabilia @ Melati Suryodarmo. 2008

- SURYODARMO Melati, Memorabilia, 2008, photo: Jauhari.

This work is based on the intension to find the trails (sequence of marks left by somebody or something moving along the surface) of existing life or static objects or persons who are connected to my life journey.

It is an intension to activating personal process which seem to be frozen inside the memory container in my body. It is also an intension to research or find forthcoming possibilities to face the future. A challenge to be in the presence is to lose the past and being untied by the future. But pictures which remain in our memories are mostly still alive and influencing our presence. I am interested to include socio-psychological methods used for analyzing someone’s life resistance, through confronting my physical and conceptual presence with other persons, other life objects, and static objects.

In Memorabilia, I invited two artists, Fitri Setyaningsih (choreographer) and Djarot Budi Darsono (actor, choreographer, theater director) to share their unvelled memories. The process of creating the work was depending on the memories they shared. We spent three months to exchange, discuss, and share our experiences regarding the most inevitable memories.

All objects and actions presented in this performance were realted to our personal memorabilias. We use music, coffee, rooster, mirrors, shoes, stage, and video projection.

Publié dans Performances

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