Warsaw Red @ Nigel Rolfe
Nigel Rolfe is an artist with a thirty year career working live, making performances throughout Europe, and the former Eastern Block, North America and Japan. His practice encompasses many media ...
Golden Thread @ Paco Nogales. 2011. Madrid
Action in acción!MAD 08 Link Madrid 27/11/08 Sala OffLimits C/ Escuadra 11 Presenté está acción como continuación de otras anteriores en las que he trabajado sobre el dolor implícito en la vi...
Untitled @ Tanya Mars. 2009. photo. Jonas Stampe
Created and performed by Tanya Mars with Annie Cheung and Julia Gibran Dramaturge: Odette Oliver Composer: Kevin Austin Costumes: Sarah Armstrong Hair & hairpieces: Alice Norton Light Sculpture: Bob
Enduroperformance @ Johannes Blomqvist. 2010
21/9 Making new performance for the release party of Queering Sapmi in Umeå 27/9 Performing at Umeå Pride 1/10 Holding workshop about The PRESENT-method with Riksutställningar in Kalmar 19/10 ...
Live Action @ Helge Meyer. 2006. Göteborg
Helge Meyer >>> Performance Artist >>> Performance Art Research
Visiting Pearl @ Monali Meher. 2011. Guangzhou live Performance. Chine
Official website of performing artist Monali Meher