Trevor @ Steina Vasulka. 1999
1999, 11 min, color, sound
Steina continues her investigation into the interaction between processed sound and image. Here she manipulates footage of musician Trevor Wishart at a studio microphone, electronically slurring his words into a stream of synthesized gibberish. Our attempts to understand what he is trying to communicate are frustrated, as both he and the viewer are subjected to digital control.
Performer: Trevor Wishart. Software: Tom Demeyer.
1999, 11 min, color, sound
Steina continues her investigation into the interaction between processed sound and image. Here she manipulates footage of musician Trevor Wishart at a studio microphone, electronically slurring his words into a stream of synthesized gibberish. Our attempts to understand what he is trying to communicate are frustrated, as both he and the viewer are subjected to digital control.
Performer: Trevor Wishart. Software: Tom Demeyer.