14 Video Paintings (2005) by Brian Eno (dvd)

Publié le par Olivier Lussac

"I see TV as a picture medium rather than a narrative medium. Video for me is a way of configuring light, just as painting is a way of configuring paint. What you see is simply light patterned in various ways. For an artist, video is the best light organ that anyone has ever invented."
14 video paintings (Brian Eno), All Saints Records, Opal/Upala Music, New York, 2005. Two parts : thursday afternoon et mistaken memories of mediaeval manhattan.
This DVD brings together Brian Eno's "ambient videos" Mistaken Memories of Mediaeval Manhattan and Thursday Afternoon, which were originally exhibited in art installations and subsequently released on videotape and laserdisc. This DVD contains both vertical and horizontal viewing formats.

Publié dans Ouvrages. CDs & DVDs

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