You'll never see my face @ Chris Burden. 1971. Morgan Gallery. Kansas City. Nov. 6
- BURDEN Chris, You’ll Never See My Face in Kansas City, Morgan Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri. November 6, 1971, Relic: ski mask, collection Gilbert & Lila Silverman., Southfield, Michigan.
TV Hijack @ Chris Burden. 1972. F Space. Santa Ana. Californie. 19 Nov.
« On January 14 I was asked to do a piece on a local television station by Phyllis Lutjeans. After several proposals were censored by the station or by Phyllis, I agreed to an interview situation. I arrived at the station with my own video crew so that...
Shoot @ Chris Burden. 1971
- BURDEN Chris, Shoot, 1971. Santa Ana. Californie. (This may or may not have been in Venice) People showed up at a gallery, having received invitations for a reception. The place was empty. Then Burden and two friends came in. One filmed while the other...
La Pocha Nostra Live Art Laboratory-Summer Intensive @ La Pocha Nostra. 2012. Taller Espacio Alternativo. Oaxaca
- LA POCHA NOSTRA, La Pocha Nostra Live Art Laboratory-Summer Intensive, 2012, Taller Espacio Alternativo, Oaxaca. Co-produced by La Perrera & La Pocha Nostra. Mexico, 21 Aug.-3 Sep. 2012 12-day intensive sessions on performance art with a focus on the...
Os Barbaros. An extreme Fashion Show @ La Pocha Nostra. 2013. Brésil
- LA POCHA NOSTRA, Os Barbaros-An extreme Fashion Show, 2013, Brésil. Public performance at Theatro do Museu do Trabalho, following a 5 day worshop as part of International Brech Symposium & Festival Paco Giratorio Sesc. 20-21 May, Porto Alegre, Brasil....
El cuerpo diferente @ La Pocha Nostra. 2012. XV Muestra Internacional de Performance. Mexico
- LA POCHA NOSTRA, El cuerpo diferente: Jam de Performance y Electronica, 2012, photo studio. XV Muestra Internacional de Performance: ‘‘El sonido de la ultima carcajada’’. Ex Teresa Arte Actual. Mexico City, Mexico. Nov. 2012 performance project by Guillermo...
De pelos @ Rocio Boliver (aka La Congelada de Uva). 2009. Mapa Theatro. Mexico. Rio de Janeiro
- BOLIVER Rocio (aka La Congelada de Uva), De Pelos, 2009, 24 août, Mapa Teatro, Mexico. A ritual performed as a metaphor for vulvic circumcision. ‘‘The transmutation of the vulvabeast into an organic mechanical hybrid, towards a consciouness of salvational...
Image of München 13- Mentality 2 @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich
- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Image of München 13-Mentality 2, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München. 6 hours/live performance On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series. I sit on a chair on a...
Image of München 12- Shakespeare Meets Bavaria @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich
- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Image of München 12-Shakespeare meets Bavaria, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München. 1 hour/live performance On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series. Undressed...
Image of München 11- Maxel @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich
- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Image of München 11-Maxel, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München. 6 hours/live performance On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series. I sit on a chair which stands...
Image of München 10- Architektur @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich
- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Image of München 10-Architektur, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München. 16 hours/live performance On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series. A huge gold foil lies...
Image of München 9- Wetter @ Herma Auguste Wittstock. 2012. Munich
- WITTSTOCK Herma Auguste, Image of München 9-Wetter, 2012, Galerie des Künstler, München. 8 hours/live performance On 13 sequential days I locally work each day on a new durational performance the Image of München series. With half of my body I sit on...